Fulton Science Academy Private School provides a comprehensive curriculum designed to foster student success and achievement in diverse communities.
Reading / Language Arts

Our Reading/Language Arts curriculum aims to deepen students' understanding and skills in reading and writing by utilizing a comprehensive, standards-based core literacy program that engages students through real-world content. Our curriculum focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, reading comprehension, grammar, and word study. We also use the Write Source curriculum and Write Score Assessment data to support Common Core writing standards.

We use the Next Generation Science Standards along with the Delta FOSS curriculum to provide a hands-on and engaging learning experience in science for all elementary grades. The NGSS Standards focus on crosscutting concepts, science and engineering practices, and disciplinary core ideas. Our FOSS curriculum provides teachers and students with the materials, resources, and focus questions needed to make meaning and understanding of these scientific concepts.

Fulton Science Academy utilizes The Common Core National Standards for Mathematics along with a rigorous curriculum, Math In Focus, to ensure every child is able to master concepts and apply mathematics successfully. Our unique course structure of both typical courses and hybrid courses allows us to meet the needs of all our students and prepare them for more challenging math courses in higher grades.
Social Studies

We utilize the Georgia Standards of Excellence for Social Studies instruction with grades K-5, which provide units and frameworks designed to promote inquiry among students during the learning process. Our goal is to provide students with a greater understanding of their immediate and surrounding world, allowing them to become global thinkers and citizens.
Social Emotional Learning

At Fulton Science Academy, we recognize the importance of social emotional learning. We implement the Caring School Community Curriculum daily with our elementary students, which is designed to teach students to develop skills needed to interact with others in a constructive way. Our IMPACT lessons consist of research-based lessons taught by classroom teachers during a dedicated time of the day. Each week has a different SEL focus to meet the social emotional learning needs of our diverse student population.
World Language

Daily World Language classes are taught to shape all of our young learners into globalized citizens and budding bilingual professionals, ready to confidently connect and make a difference with others around the world. We offer Spanish and Turkish to our elementary students.
Learning another language is an incredibly important skill, even at a young age. It sets you apart and opens up a world of opportunities for the future, whether you dream of becoming a doctor, a business owner, a lawyer, a politician, or a journalist. Being able to speak other languages will make you stand out in this globalized world.